Active Transportation

Complete streets, transit, bikeway, and pedestrian planning, design, and performance measurement

Complete Streets Planning & Design

Complete Streets are planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe and comfortable travel for all users of all ages. Complete Streets provide for all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit vehicles, and motorists, as well as allow for emergency response, road maintenance, and goods movement.

This course covers the planning and design of Complete Streets, including the history of Complete Streets, the policy environment for Complete Streets (particularly in the California legislative environment), how to integrate Complete Streets with the urban planning process, and how to design streets, intersections, crossings, and interchanges consistent with the Complete Streets approach.

Additional course detail is provided in the sections below.

  • Course Topics
    • The history of Complete Streets
    • The policy environment for Complete Streets
    • New planning trends affecting decisions regarding transportation
    • Integrating Complete Streets with general plans, specific plans, RTPs, TIPs, entitlement process
    • Layered networks
    • Design manuals & guidelines relevant to Complete Streets
    • Cross-section element design: travel lanes, parking, shoulders, pedestrian/bicycle facilities
    • Experimental & innovative bikeway design
    • Signalized intersection & uncontrolled crossing design
  • Course Outline

    Session 1: Complete Streets Policy & Planning Overview

    • What Are Complete Streets?
    • History of Complete Streets
    • California Policy Environment for Complete Streets
    • Typical Local Policy Statements
    • Caltrans’ Policies for Complete Streets

    Session 2: New Planning Paradigm

    • Climate Change
    • Sustainability
    • Shifting Demographics
    • Changing Lifestyle Preferences
    • Technological Advances
    • Emphasis on Safety
    • Public Health
    • Induced Travel
    • The Eight D’s of Land Use & Transportation

    Session 3: Operationalizing & Impementing Complete Streets

    • Integrating Complete Streets with General Plans, Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs), the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and the California Transportation Plan (CTP)
    • Integrating Complete Streets with the Entitlement Process
    • Caltrans Smart Mobility Framework
    • California Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) 
    • Context Sensitive Solutions
    • Layered Networks, Transects, & Street Typologies
    • Level of Service (LOS), Multimodal Level of Service (MMLOS)
    • Types of Bicyclists, Bicyclist Comfort, Bicyclist Education
    • Measuring Performance
    • Office of Traffic Safety Assessment Technical Assistance Program
    • Barriers, Opposition, & Strategies to Address Issues
    • Walk Audit #1
    • Group Exercise #1

    Session 4: Design Standards & Guidance

    • Design Standards, Manuals, & Guidance

    Session 5: Roadway Design Concepts

    • Traffic Calming
    • Road Diets and Travel Lane Width
    • On-Street Parking 
    • Shoulder Width
    • Pedestrian Facilities 
    • Bicycle Facilities (traditional & innovative)
    • Caltrans Main Street Guidance
    • Transit Facilities
    • Access Management
    • Coordinating with Rehabilitation Maintenance

    Session 6: Intersection & Crossing Design Concepts

    • Intersection Design Principles
    • Signalized Intersection Treatments
    • Interchange Design Concepts
    • Roundabouts
    • Uncontrolled Crossings
    • Walk Audit #2
    • Group Exercise #2
  • What you will learn

    Students will gain an understanding of the Complete Streets approach, its application to planning and design, how to plan for future Complete Streets, and how to retrofit existing streets to provide for all modes of transportation.

    Additionally, students will learn how to evaluate complicated trade-offs between modes of transportation.

  • Who should attend

    This course is intended for urban planners and transportation engineers at local, regional, and state agencies as well as consultants. Both new and experienced planners and engineers will benefit.

    The course is primarily appropriate for urban perspectives, however it does address Complete Streets in rural environments as well.

  • Course Prerequisites

      [no prerequisites identified]

  • Course Instructors

      Jeremy Klop, AICP, Principal, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants

      Mr. Klop brings an effective blend of experience in multimodal transportation planning, modeling, and operations analysis. With this integrated understanding of both the multimodal planning and operation implications, he provides a wide range of services including complete streets policy and design, multimodal transportation planning in campus, medical, and downtown settings, transit operations and signal priority, corridor studies and livable street design, and smart growth modeling and forecasting.

      In addition to project experience, he publishes and presents on the relationship between urban form and trip generation, complete streets, and bicycle and pedestrian facility planning, including a co-author role for the Bicycle and Pedestrian chapter in the ITE Transportation Planning Handbook (2009). He is a member of the American Planning Association (APA) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

      Jason Pack, P.E., Principal, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants

      Mr. Jason Pack began working for Fehr & Peers after receiving his degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Davis in 1999. He has worked on a wide variety of transportation projects, from general plans and specific plans to detailed corridor, interchange, and signal coordination studies. Most of his projects feature a complete streets element and many involve Caltrans. Additionally, he has applied or developed travel demand forecast models on over 50 projects in the State of California.

      Jason has had papers/presentations accepted to the TRB National Roundabout Conference, the ITE National Conference, and the California APA Conferences. Jason has worked on a variety of complete/livable street projects, including the San Marcos General Plan Mobility Element, Holt Boulevard Corridor Plan, Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element, and the award winning Carlsbad Livable Streets Assessment.

  • Registration Information

      Registration for this course occurs at the TechTransfer training host site. Use the button to the right to directly access the course page and registration portal. You will be asked to create a user account as part of the registration process.

      A confirmation email will be sent to you within two business days of TechTransfer receiving your paid registration.

      If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the TechTransfer Registrar at (510) 643-4393 or

  • For more information

      To learn more about TechTransfer courses and credits, see their FAQ (

      To learn more about TechTransfer's cancellation, refund, and substitution policies, see How to Enroll (

      Cancellation Policy:

      The cancellation fee for this course is $75. At TechTransfer, there are no refunds for classes with registration fees of $75 or less. For all other classes, you may cancel your enrollment and receive a refund of your registration fee less $75, provided they receive your written request to cancel at least 5 full working days before the class is scheduled to begin. In lieu of canceling your registration, you may (1) transfer your registration to another TechTransfer class, (2) receive a tuition credit for the full amount, useable toward a future class, or (3) send a substitute in your place.

      Note: TechTransfer recommends you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes. If you are worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you do not test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.

LTAP Subsidized

This class is offered at a reduced fee to employees of California's city, county, regional, and tribal public agencies

Course Fee

Standard Rate:

Public Agency Rate:



Course Credit

This course grants:

1.60 CEUs

Upcoming Sessions (0)

[not currently scheduled]


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California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872